Narcissus is a work created in 1987 by Thea Musgrave for clarinet (or flute) and delayed audio that uses a delay box. This work recreate the piece using modern technology to emulate the functions of the original equipment in Narcissus.
Playing Thea Musgrave's Narcissus using this Web-Based Application.
Musician: Dr. Iura de Rezende Ferreira Sobrinho
Arts Lab in Interfaces, Computers, and Everything Else (ALICE.) code authors would like to thank all the members of our Research Lab, ALICE, who made this research possible. We also would like to thanks the colleagues of CEGeME and professor Maurício Alves Loureiro, that first played this piece. We would also like to thank the funding agencies CNPq (151975/2019-1), UFSJ and FAPEMIG (APQ-02148-18).
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